LĪGA ĶEMPE näitus "Igaühel on oma maailmaruum" 02.05.-07.07.2024 / LĪGA ĶEMPE exhibition "A Universe of One’s Own" 05.02.-07.07.2024

Ootame Teid kunstnik Līga Ķempe maalikunstinäitus "Igaühel on oma maailmaruum" avamisele, 2. mail kell 17.00, T1 keskuses asuvas Kunstiruumi galeriis. Sissepääs tasuta. 

Näitus jääb avatuks 7. juulini 2024.

Täpselt nagu elus, mis koosneb eksistentsi põhielementidest – kaosest ja korrast, ja nii elame me pidevalt korras, ümbritsetuna kaosest. Ja see on alati loomingulise töö algus – julgemine minna tundmatusse ja lasta endal minna hingerännakule. Kõige alguses on midagi, mida ma mõistan ja ennustan, ja midagi, mida ma ei tea ega mõista, lõuendil asun tuttaval territooriumil, mida ümbritsen tundmatuga. Tuntud tundmatus. Julgedes minna tundmatusse, usaldades ainult sisemist kutsumust, nagu vapper piloot, kes purjetab kaugele sinisesse taevasse, tuginedes ainult oma intuitsioonile mõne tundmatu ja avastamata planeedi kohta lõpmatus universumis, saades võimaluse näha maailma ja ennast teisiti.

Tere tulemast seiklusesse elus siin ja praegu!


The festive opening of Līga Ķempe's painting exhibition "A Universe of One’s Own" will take place on May 2nd at 5:00 p.m. at the art gallery KUNSTIRUUM, located at Peterburi tee 2, T1 center. We look forward to seeing you there! Free admission.

The exhibition will remain open until July 7, 2024.

Just as in life, which consists of the basic elements of existence - chaos and order, we constantly find ourselves living amidst order while surrounded by chaos. This dynamic serves as the beginning of creative work - daring to venture into the unknown and allowing oneself to embark on a journey of the soul. At the genesis of every endeavor lies a combination of what I comprehend and foresee, alongside aspects that remain unknown and beyond my understanding. On the canvas, I navigate familiar terrain, yet I am always enveloped by the unknown; it's the realm of the known unknown. Daring to embrace the unknown, trusting solely in the inner calling, mirrors the courage of a bold pilot navigating the vast blue sky, relying solely on intuition to explore uncharted planets in the boundless universe, gaining the opportunity to perceive the world and oneself in a new light.

Welcome to the adventure of life, here and now!